Omg, I guess I need to freshen up my blog with some big time superb exciting layout to make myself even more interested in blogging! Okay I'm exaggerating..duh. I haven't been 'too busy' to blog actually.. *blush.
Is anyone even reading this and come to realise that I'm ACTUALLY bloggiingg?!!!
What have I been caught up with? crazy. Just got my results, and I did terribly. Not too nice to publish my results and let my fans cry over it and my enemies laugh & roll on the ground over it. -.- no I'm so not emo! Haha, not thaaattt bad actually. Exaggerating again!! And been going out with friends, reunion and so much of love shared. This is one fun one! :D I have no reason why I don't meet up with them. Packed with studies but I need my relaxation moment too.. With them, I could just share anything and what sorta identity of mine to hide away? And of course, the love I get from my boyfriend. :) He has been accompanying me throughout the whole journey.. journey? General. So much to share!